Friday, April 24, 2015

A Relaxing Friday

Friday was a day of relaxing and goofing about.  We got up late, mooched around the house till Kelly, Mirinda and I got up the energy to take a run down to the covered market to test a new route.  Running here in Colmar is nice in that there are no hills to speak of, but the traffic makes for a lot of stops.  No matter, we got some miles in and worked up a sweat while finally getting the new route down to a science.

We now have  direct route that takes less than 20 mins at a casual walk to get to the old town center.  not bad at all!

After our run, we settled into the kitchen for a light lunch and some long naps.

Early evening, we decided to wander back down to the old city to grab some dinner.  Stopped for beer and a Ricard at a small neighborhood bar and then went around the corner to a place called Maison Rouge.  From the street it looks like a typical brasserie, nothing amazing, but the inside is a maze of old timbers, open fires and a large joint of pork roasting in front of a fire at the front door.  Very nice!

We opted to sit outside on the street with the locals.  Dinner ended up being a wonderful assortment of salads, escargot, charcute garni,(a local mix of sauerkraut, sausage, bacon, pork steak and potatoes), beef steak and Nita's yummy seasonal dish of white asparagus with chicken and morel mushrooms in a light cream sauce.

Good thing we ran yesterday...

Desserts were a nice combo of ice creams, coffee and a sorbet and brandy concoction Kelly ordered that was damn near flammable.  Top it all off with a litre of local Riesling wine and it was a fine meal indeed.

Tomorrow is market day at the church near our house.  I promise to get some pictures to post!

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