Thursday, May 14, 2015

Breisach Germany

Saturday (May 9th) morning we woke up early and went up to the market at St. Joseph.  We had provisioning for 2 full dinners to get stocked in before we headed out for Germany.

St, Joseph being only a few blocks away is the easiest outdoor market for us to walk to and luckily for us it is the largest in town.  We stocked in supplies for tarragon chicken and huge ass artichokes and sausages because as well all know, JD loves him some sausage.

We dropped the mess of food off at the house and headed for the train/bus station.  From internet research, we knew you can take a bus to Breiasach, but nothing was terribly clear on how to go about it.  Luckily for us, a very kind local bus driver told us what stop to pick up the proper bus.  The schedules were easy to read and we actually got on the correct bus.

The ride takes only about 40 minutes and passed through the town of New Breisach, a "new order" town that was built as a fortified border protection on the French side of the Rhine.  Unfortunately the bus ride through the town took all of 5 minutes and we didn't get to see much of the fortifications.

Neuf Breisach, fortified city.

Reaching Breiasch proper, we jumped off the train and headed into the town guided by the large Romanesque cathedral on the high center of town.  It is a nifty little town, much steeped in both German and French influences.  Near the center of town, we found a little open air market where Nita and Terri bought some saffron and beet root coloured pasta for dinner later in the week.

After a short tour of the market we settled into a local bar/restro for lunch.  A very good decision!

Stumbling through the German menu, most opted for sausages and kraut of various kinds and Nita had maybe the best steak I have tasted in France.  As we were wrapping up lunch, a waitress brought out a dessert for some ladies next to us that prompted gasps of terror from every table it passed.  By far the largest and most fear inspiring dessert I have witnessed!

The Dessert of DOOOM!!!  It was nearly the size of my head.

Need I mention the beer in Germany was spectacular?

Lunch complete we headed up to St Stephanmunster on the hill.  Commanding a high view into France it is an impressive cathedral that has suffered the ravages of several wars and history in general.  The base of the cathedral is built on roman ruins that have been thoughtfully outlined in lighted coloured paving, serving a nice little history walk.

JD, Amy and Adra

Tess, Audie, Jessica, Amy, JD and Adra

Sam, Adra and Jessica

Heading back down the hill, we wandered through the back streets, buying touristy souvenirs and truly terrible local distilled alcohol. 

We found one gem on the trip, a German run Mexican restro.  That is HIGH on our to do list next time we make the trip to Breisach.

That evening we had a eclectic dinner of artichokes and a platter of assorted sausages form our favorite butchers at the open market.  From Indian curry sausage to merguez it was a nice tour of all the meats in tube form.

Drinks into the night once again.  My liver may fall out.

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