Sunday, May 24, 2015

Jim, Aletha and the $1647.10 Dinner

Wednesday, Jim and Aletha rolled in on the train from Paris.  By all accounts Paris was noisy and crowded as hell during their few days there, cannot wait to experience it for myself!  <cough>

They were a bit shagged out from the trip, so after some well deserved wine and snackies we headed to our favorite winstub(wine room) for dinner.

As usual, dinner was just fine.  Good food, good wines and a lot of fun waiting for the rain to stop.

Things went well, right till the bill came.  Somehow our waiter miskeyed the amount in for $1647.10.  Don't get me wrong, it was a nice meal, just not that nice!

Our waiter was horrified and we spent an amusing half hour working out the refund and details.  Luckily for Matt, it was all taken care of in short order(yes, he checked later and made sure it never posted).

After the rain we made it home and got the travelers to bed.  They had a long trip to Rothenberg ob der Tauber. 

Brave and busy travelers!

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