Friday, May 29, 2015

New Arrivals

Wednesdays are just getting fun.  New friends to pick up from the train station, showing them the house and then wandering about Old Town, introducing them to the twisty, wandering medieval roads.

I went out early and ran the vineyards in the mountains again while Nita goofed around the house doing all those things we need to do to get ready for people arriving that Im no good at.  Like, everything.  Nice morning, quite chilly!

Kim and Ryan were first in this time with Fernando and Debbie following a couple hours later.  After picking up Kim and Ryan at the station we had some down time to let them relax and get some snackies in them before Ferd and Debbie showed up in their rental.  No, they didn't get out old car like we were hoping.

After everyone arrived and got settled in the house we took our poor travel weary friends down to Old Town for dinner at our favorite winstub.  We didn't torture them too long, and went back home to tuck everyone into bed for a big Friday of exploration and market day!

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