Monday, May 18, 2015

More Market Saturday

Saturdays are becoming our favorite days in Colmar.  The open market at St. Joseph seems to be ever evolving with new vendors all the while our old faves are still in their predictable spots.

We started the day with coffee at the house and then wandered over to pick up groceries and scrounge for food.  Matt and I opted for crepes with ham, egg and cheese while the girls went around the way to find the tasty pastry folks and their offerings.  Nita is addicted to some kind of sausage and egg in puffed pastry thingie.  Not my favorite, but what the heck, its a warm French pastry kinda thing so it can't be all bad.

The big score of the day was the beef tongue we ordered from our butcher friends.  Along with a big bad of root veggies and some raspberry tarts for dessert we had the evening meal well planned out.

Back at the house we cleaned out the fridge and did a restock and generally relaxed for most of the day.  There was much reading and napping.  Vacation, remember?

Matt worked on a blue cheese savory cheesecake to snack on throughout the afternoon which didn't turn out perfect, but was still a real treat on fresh baguette.  

Around 3, Nita threw the tongue into the stew pot for its 3 hour cookathon while the rest of us raided the wine, cheese and sausage.  Later, we threw together the taters, turnips, onions, garlic and celeriac with good olive oil, salt and pepper and rosemary sprigs from our balcony garden.

Dinner was a blast.  The tongue was perfect, falling apart like pot roast and the veggies came out really nicely for once.  I think we are getting a handle on this damn oven at last.
Tongue, salad, roasted veggies and blue cheese cheesecake.  Best meal yet!

Yes, its tongue.  Tastes like the best pot roast you will ever have.  Just try some already.

Dessert tart from our new friend at the market was superb.  She is an adorable little old French woman who grows all of her own fruits and produce, proudly showing us pictures of her gardens and her husband helping in the kitchen.  She knows a little English, so combing our little French with her merits some cute conversations.  Cannot wait to see her again next week.

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