Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Monday Again

Monday morning turned out to be another cleaning and laundry time.  Not too exciting, but we were looking forward to having a light lunch with my Folks and getting some more exploring in Old Colmar under our belts.

We met at a different winstub and had a decent lunch.  After a few mins of wandering about town, we headed back to the house to wrap up chores before our dinner out with Skip and Karen.

Laundry done, shopping list written and some general goofing off complete, we set off for Old Town for dinner.  Monday is a tough day in France to find dinner out.  Most places are closed and it can be a real challenge to find somewhere that isn't just a tourist dive.

We ended up in a quite place along the canal, watching the ducks and trout playing about.  The girls had a really nice whole trout while Skip had an enormous pork knuckle and sauerkraut while I opted for veal kidneys.  Yes, I am eating my way through an entire calf this trip.  For those keeping score at home, I am done with the face, kidneys, sweatbreads and whatever veal goes into a whitwurst sausage(don't ask whats in there)

Home across canal from restaurant

Up the canal

Down the canal.  With all the rain the canal is kinda icky.  Usually it is quite clear!

All in all a nice little day.

Kids are coming Wednesday, lots to do!

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