Sunday, May 3, 2015

St. Joseph Market

Saturday is once again the big open market at the church around the corner from us.  We got us late, wandered down and picked up "Italian" sausages, fresh made ravioli and all the veggies I need to make a fresh red sauce.

About lunch time, we went down to see Skip and Karen for a stroll about the covered market and take a look at the apartment they rented.

We stopped at our favorite winstub for a leisurely lunch as a 20 piece orchestra set up in the square and played for a couple of hours.  Very pleasant way to spend a lunch.

Skip and Karen's apartment is cute as hell and in a superb neighborhood.  Small, but well appointed it is right in the heart of things in the older part of the city.  They did a superb job picking that on out!

Back home about 5 for a light nap and getting dinner on.  The sauce came out great and the hand made ravioli was superb.  Dad missed dinner, his chest cold doesn't want to shake out.  Hopefully hes better tomorrow.

Not much exciting stuff going on here lately, it is almost like we are on vacation or something...

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