Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Great Change!

Wed morning I got up at 4am to take John and Terri to the train station for their trip back to Paris.  Things went smoothly and we got them to the station in good order by 5 or so.

We will miss them, it is always nice having people filling up the house with us! 

I went back to the house and back to bed for a while till we got up and Nita, Chris, Tess and I packed into the car with every intent of touring some castles and wineries from the very south end of the wine route back to Colmar.

We drove to the small town of Thann with the intent of viewing the castle ruins there.  Unfortunately it is a bit of a hard walk to get to, so we opted for a walk about town and found one of the best cathedrals we have come across in this part of France.

A small part of the remaining bastion above Thann

Heading north, we wound our way back toward Colmar trying to find a winery or two to visit for a tasting.  Somehow we hit every damn one while it was closed for lunch.  The castles were sparse down south, so we headed back up to Colmar and the little town of Niedermorschwihr.  Again, damn near all of the cave' that were supposed to be open had locked doors.  What the hell?

Finally we found a tiny little cave' , Justin Boxler, that was open for a tasting.  Charmed by the woman running the tasting while the winemaker ran about doing whatever winemakers do all day, we purchased several cases of wines.  That should hold us for a while!

Back to the house by 3pm, we unloaded and went to pick Matt and Laura up from the train station.

The walking dead made it to the car with their luggage and we got them safely installed at the house.  After showers, wine and unwinding we took them into Old Colmar for dinner at Maison Rouge.  Again it was a nice evening out, apart from the cold rain that set in and drove us form our outdoor seating into the warm comfort of the dining room.  At one point the raid turned to large hail that we could hear from inside.  Luckily for us the rain stopped in time to guide our near dead travelers back to the house so they could crash at very last.

A busy, busy day.

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